
Hello, I’m Carmen! Welcome to my website.

Here you’ll find the most recent articles and feature stories I’ve been publishing lately.

I’m a multi-lingual freelance journalist writing for Spanish, Canadian and British newspapers and magazines, such as Forbes, El País Semanal, El Mundo, La Razón, Ethical Corp., Ethic or Mining Journal. I also create corporate content for Canadian and Spanish companies (newsletters, senior executive speeches, web postings, internal material), like Hudbay Minerals, Cuso International, Pullmantur, DKV or BPM. In the last two years I combine my job as a journalist with that of Project Manager at EthicLab, working on different editorial projects for companies such as Glovo, Amazon, Sanitas or Airbnb.

Contact me anytime via email (carmen@gomezcotta.com), Twitter or LinkedIn.

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© Carmen Gómez-Cotta 2022. All Rights Reserved.